Yesterday, the Obama campaign annonced that hundreds of national women leaders in business, women’s rights, sport, and other fields endorsed Sen. Barack Obama. These women will be involved with various aspects of the campaign.
•Liz Abzug, President, The Bella Abzug Leadership Institute, NY
•Clara Apodaca, President and CEO, Founder of the National Hispanic Cultural Center and Former First Lady of New Mexico, NM
•Roberta Achtenberg, Former Assistant Secretary, U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, CA
•Madeleine Albright, First woman Secretary of State, Principal, The Albright Group LLC, Washington, DC
•Nancy Altman, Author and national advocate for adequate and secure retirement for American workers and their families
•Katherine Archuleta, Senior Policy Advisor to the Mayor of Denver, CO
•Geoconda Arguello-Kline, President Culinary Union Nevada, NV
•Harriet Babbitt, Former US ambassador to the Organization of American States, Washington, DC
•Polly Baca, Former Colorado State Senator, former Vice-Chair, Democratic National Committee, CO
•Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley, Former US Ambassador and Vice-Chair of the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, Washington, DC
•Raymone K. Bain, CEO, The Raymone K Bain Companies, LLC., Washington, DC
To view the full list, visit the Obama'08 official website...>
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