Frustrated with the media? Fed up with the absurd direction this campaign has taken? Don't sit and stew. Use that energy to put Obama over the top!
On Sunday, September 21st, we're organizing hundreds of "MoveOn for Obama" calling parties nationwide. We'll reach out to every MoveOn member in every swing state to help them sign up to volunteer for Obama. If we can mobilize tens of thousands of volunteers for Obama in key states, we'll help push Barack over the top in November.
Plus, next week is MoveOn's 10th birthday, so we'll celebrate with cake and ice cream after we're done calling!
MoveOn members in your area will be eager to help, but they need somewhere to gather. Can you sign up to host a "MoveOn for Obama" party?
Have you seen the polls? Now's the time we all need to jump into this campaign. If you host a party, you'll enable Obama supporters in your neighborhood to make hundreds of calls into swing states. That simple act—opening up your living room for an afternoon—will result in dozens more volunteers for Obama's powerful grassroots campaign in critical states like Ohio, Florida and Michigan!
For further information, visit MoveOn.org
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